Am 3. August 2017 20:10:14 MESZ schrieb Matthew Brett:
>OK - I have set that up, wheels building on the "daily" branch here:


>But, I'm a bit worried by the pre-release naming scheme, because the
>built wheel has name of form "Cython-0.26.1a0-cp..." . Can I ask -
>where does the "1a0" come from?  Can it be used to select the most
>recent pre-release wheel?

No, it's just the current version in, 0.26.1 alpha-0. It's guaranteed 
to be increasing, but not for each build.

> I mean, if we build a wheel from a later
>commit, will pip find the later wheel before this one?

There's probably a way to get at the current Travis build number. If you want 
sequentially increasing version numbers, you could append that to the wheel 
version. Or the current date, which would even be a human readable age 

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