Hi fellow descendants of Czernowitz!
*** A bit about me: --> My name is Steven Gruber and I am a descendant of Czernowitz and have recently started researching my Czernowitz roots and am very eager to learn more. I am 55 years old and have been living in Boston, Massachusetts for almost 20 years. Before that, I was living in Montreal, Canada where I was born. I am delighted to find this wonderful group. *** The Photograph (front and back attached to the link shared below): --> In a closet at my Mom’s apartment, I recently found this amazing photo of my great grandmother, Perel Feuerstein (b.1878, on the right) and her cousin Mina Feuerstein (on the left) taken at a studio in Czernowitz. --> Please find the photo and my questions posted on the Ehpes Blog at following link (thank you Edgar!) : http://ehpes.com/blog1/?p=11156 --> I estimate the year of the picture as 1896 since I am guessing Perel looks about 18 years old in the picture. I could easily be off by a few years (I’m very bad at guessing ages). *** My questions about the picture (repasted questions here from Blog) – any insight / guesses are hugely appreciated!! : --> Matching Robes / outfits? – Do you recognize the matching outfits Mina and Perel are wearing? Do they signify something? Can you guess what might have been the occasion? What event might have cousins dressing exactly the same? … and worthy of taking a picture? --> Year of picture? – any guesses about the ages of Perel and/or Mina are welcome! Also perhaps the hairdo’s or clothing reveal when picture was taken? --> Studio name? – Do you recognize the name of the studio on the back of the picture? Where might the studio have been located? Does this reveal anything about the possible timing this picture was taken? *note: the picture measures 3.5” x 2.75” and is on a very thick cardboard, in case this helps. --> Does anyone know of the Feuersteins? … or maybe even Mina or Perel? Any and all responses / guesses / comments are extremely welcome!! (More of my Czernowitz family tree available if you’re interested!) Looking forward to hearing back! Thank you!! Steven Gruber ******************************************************************************* This moderated discussion group is for information exchange on the subject of Czernowitz and Sadagora Jewish History and Genealogy. The opinions expressed in these posts are the opinions of the original poster only and not necessarily the opinions of the List Owner, the Webmaster or any other members or entities connected with this mailing list. The Czernowitz-L list has an associated web site at http://czernowitz.ehpes.com that includes a searchable archive of all messages posted to this list. Beginning in 2021, archived messages can be found at: https://www.mail-archive.com/czernowitz-l@list.cornell.edu/ To send mail to the list, address it to <czernowit...@cornell.edu>. To remove your address from this e-list follow the directions at https://it.cornell.edu/lyris/leave-e-lists-lyris To receive assistance for this e-list send an e-mail message to: owner-czernowit...@list.cornell.edu -----------------------------------------------------------------------------