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      brought to you by Kollel Iyun Hadaf of Yerushalayim
             Rosh Kollel: Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld


Chagigah 004: Angel of death making a mistake

Gershon Lewis asks:

How is it possible that the angel of death, who is a shaliach of Hashem
could make a mistake-and we're speaking about a major mistake.

The Kollel replies:

1) Clearly there were higher Heavenly forces that wanted him, and caused
him, to make this mistake.

2) The crucial question here is how is it possible that someone can die
without "Mishpat," justice? In other words, why did Hashem want the Mal'ach
ha'Maves to make this terrible mistake that seems to contradict the laws of

3) I found one of the Mefarshim who discusses this a little. This is on the
Rif in Berachos, page 34b in the pages of the Rif. Talmidei Rabeinu Yonah
there (DH Patach) cites the Gemara in Shabbos (55b) where the conclusion is
that it is possible sometimes that a person dies without having sinned.
This is itself a difficult concept to understand, but Rabeinu Yonah does
add to this that even though a person might die even though he performed no
transgressions, nevertheless all the ways of Hashem are "Mishpat" and
Hashem knows why He does what He does.

4) The Chidushei Anshei Shem, printed in the margin, asks on Rabeinu Yonah
from our Gemara in Chagigah 4b, where we learn "Yesh Nispeh b'Lo Mishpat"
-- some people die without Mishpat. He appears to answer this question by
saying that it might occasionally happen that someone dies without Mishpat.
With the vast majority of people, though, everything works according to
justice, but there are sometimes unusual circumstances where other factors
are involved in why people die.

5) Obviously, this is a very difficult concept to understand, but I would
like to suggest a possible approach. Sometimes it might happen that a
person does not deserve to die because of his transgressions, but Hashem
sees that it would be better for this person if he would die earlier.
Possibly Hashem sees that if the person would live he would be tempted to
do certain sins, or possibly he would witness very upsetting events
happening around him. As human beings, we would not be able to say if it is
best for this person to live or not, but Hashem knows better than us and
decreed that this person's time has come. So this person did not die
according to the laws of justice, but still Hashem knows why He does what
He does, as Rabeinu Yonah says.

Kesivah v'Chasimah Tovah,
Dovid Bloom

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