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      brought to you by Kollel Iyun Hadaf of Yerushalayim
             Rosh Kollel: Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld


Eruvin 038: Seudas Shabbos in Star Light

HG asks:

The Rogatchover Gaon (cited in Mefaaneach Tzefunos p. 195
proved from Tosfos that one may eat Seudas Shabbos in star light.
Where is this coming from ? Which gemara? logic?
thank you

The Kollel replies:

Reb Chaim, this is a tough question!

a. I have not yet found what the Rogatchover is referring to from Eruvin
38. I assume he means Tosfos on 38b DH v'Ha, who is discussing the Se'udah
ha'Re'uyah -- the requirement that the Eruv be fit before Shabbos as a
Shabbos meal. However, there is no mention there of stars, so I still have
not yet figured it out. I should point out that the Rogatchover does not
write explicitly that he is citing Tosfos; rather, he refers to the Ri.
Even though the Ri is often cited by Tosfos, it is possible that in this
case the Ri is cited elsewhere by the Rishonim, not actually by Tosfos.

b. I will attempt to point out some other sources that the Rogatchover
mentions. He mentions the Mordechai in Pesachim 101a, who comments on the
Gemara there in which Abaye said that when he learned at the Yeshiva of
"Mar" (a reference to Rabah), Rabah would make Kidush for them and tell
them to eat something after the Kidush, because by the time they would get
home there might be no candle alight there. The Mordechai writes that we
learns from here that a candle is required for Kidush but it is not
required for the Shabbos meal. This would be a support for the Ri, cited by
the Rogatchover, that it is sufficient to have star light for the Shabbos
meal, and one does not require candle light.

c. The Rogatchover also cites the Gemara in Berachos 53a. The Gemara there
discusses what sort of candle one needs for Havdalah. The Gemara says that
one may make Havdalah on the candle of a synagogue, but it depends on other
factors. If there is a warden there, one may make Havdalah on the candle
because the candle is there for him to eat using its light. However, if
there is moonlight, we say that the Shamash could eat without the candle
and it must be that the candle was lit only for the honor of the Shechinah
present in the synagogue, and one may not make Havdalah on it because the
rule is
that one may make Havdalah only on a candle whose light is actully needed.

Again, we learn from this Gemara that the Shamash can eat his meal without
a candle if there is moonlight. This is another proof for what the Ri says,
that one may eat Se'udas Shabbos in starlight.

These are all just initial thoughts. I cannot yet claim that I have arrived
at the bottom of what the Rogatchover writes. One always must work hard to
understand even a little of what the  Rogatchover writes, and I hope to
continue later, b'Ezras Hashem.

a. It suddenly dawned on me that when the Rogatchover writes mentions the
"Ri," he is referring to Rabeinu Yehonasan, on the Rif in Eruvin. This is
on page 9b in the pages of the Rif. In DH u'Mistacher, he writes that he
takes his bread with him and he eats his Shabbos meal to the light of the

b. Now that we have found that the source is Rabeinu Yehonasan, let us
understand more what the Rogatchover is saying. It seems to me that he is
coming to explain the Din of the Gemara in Shabbos 25b that it is
obligatory to light a candle for Shabbos. The Rambam (Hilchos Shabbos 30:5)
writes that one's candle should be lit and his table should be set. The
Rogatchover now has a Chakirah: Do we say that the candle requires a meal,
or do we say that the meal requires a candle?

In other words, we know that one must light a candle on Friday night. Does
that mean that one cannot eat the Shabbos Se'udah without a candle? The
Rogatchover proves from Rabeiu Yehonasan in Eruvin 38 that one may eat the
Shabbos meal even by starlight. This must mean that one must light a candle
on Friday night, and this candle should be placed at the place where the
Se'udah is being eaten, but if one is unable to do that, he may fulfill the
Mitzvah of eating a Shabbos Se'udah even where there is no candle.

c. The Rogactchover then proves from Berachos 53a that the guardian of the
synagogue may eat his meal by moonlight, as we mentioned above. This proves
that the candle on Friday night should be lit at the meal, but nevertheless
one may eat the meal without the candle if one has the light of the moon or
the stars.

d. The Rogatchover then cites Tosfos in Pesachim 101a, DH  uv'Kidusha,
whose words show that one cannot fulfill the Mitzvah of Shabbos Se'udah
withiut a candle. This clearly does not agree with Rabeinu Yehonasan.
However, the Rogatchover then cites the Mordechai that I mentioned above,
who says that one may eat the Se'udah without the candle. This clearly does
not agree with Tosfos and is a support for Rabeinu Yehonasan.

This is a beautiful piece in the Rogatchover!

Kol Tuv,
Dovid Bloom

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