Op een mooie lentedag (Monday 15 May 2006 19:50),schreef  Dominic Dunlop:
> On 2006–05–14, at 02:59, Abe Timmerman wrote:
> > Brill! I'll deal with that later on in the week.
> OK. I've attached the patch for SysInfo.pm. I have not done anything
> about the version, attribution or copyright.

Oh cheers! I'll take care of the rest.

> --- Test/Smoke/SysInfo.pm-as-received 2005-09-11 01:14:13.000000000 +0200
> +++ Test/Smoke/SysInfo.pm     2006-05-15 15:22:33.000000000 +0200


> +    $system_profiler{'CPU Type'} =~ s/PowerPC\s*(\w+).*/ppc$1/;

I've changed that to macppc. Should we change the '750' into G3?

> +    $system_profiler{'CPU Speed'} =~
> +     s/(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\s*GHz/sprintf("%d MHz", $1 * 1000)/e;
> +
> +    return {
> +        _cpu_type => $system_profiler{'CPU Type'} || __get_cpu_type(),
> +        _cpu      => "$system_profiler{'Machine Name'}" .

My iBook G4/10.3 only seems to have 'Machine Model', so I've tweaked that a 

> +                     " ($system_profiler{'CPU Speed'})" || __get_cpu,
> +        _ncpu     => $system_profiler{'Number Of CPUs'},
> +        _host     => __get_hostname(),
> +        _os       => __get_os() . " (Mac OS X)",

Thanks applied as change #965.

Good luck,

"Jarkko Hietaniemi" is actually the code name for a whole team of Finnish 
super-programmers, capable of working continuously 25 hours a day without 
tripping each other up, and running solely only on intravenous caffeine.
                                      -- Nicholas Clark on p5p @ 2002-03-04

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