On Wed, 1 Apr 2015, John R Levine wrote:

That said, I really don't mind living with users having to type in
peers' e-mail addresses correctly.

I just don't see that agreeing with reality. Particularly with non-ASCII names, there's way too many ways to type what looks like the same thing.

This is not a problem that is fixable in any way.

I do not know how to type in any letter in any script that is not on my
keyboard. My keyboard has no Arabic, Chinese, French, Korean or German
characters on it. I have no chance whatsoever to ever be able to type
any of that in. I'm sure people with an Arabic keyboard can't enter
Traditional Chinese either, so this is a problem for 100% of internet
users. If that's the only thing on your business card, the world cannot
email you. At best, they will type as best they can into google, and
hope it will find a page with the correct email address on it for cut
and paste and hope it works.

This has absoutely nothing to do with encryption. I can't solve this
problem and I'm not going to try and solve that problem.


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