
I'm just curious...

On 21/11/16 14:33, Garfinkel, Simson L. (Fed) wrote:
> We continue to pursue and support R&D efforts to develop SMIME-based
> approaches to enterprise email security.   Having a stable reference
> will benefit those efforts.

Is there a particular reason to try focus on enterprises
here? I know that's where we started out with smime but
I'm not sure it's a useful target these days. Wouldn't it
be more likely more effective if we (for some "we") tried
to get the largest mail providers to provide some form(s)
of interoperable e2e email security? If that happened, (*)
then I suspect many more enterprises would just re-use that
than would ever deploy something by/for themselves. And if
we don't end up with e2e email security at the major mail
providers, then it'll probably not happen within many
enterprises either. (IOW, maybe the focus on enterprises
as a target for e2e mail security is a bit 20-th century? :-)

(*) Yes, there are a bunch of reasons why this is not
at all likely to happen. However, if we direct our efforts
elsewhere that is one more nail in that coffin.


PS: I've nothing against the planned experiment here.

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

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