Posted by: Ruby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>She said she's been using it for a number of years with much
>success.  Let's hope it does something - it sure wasn't cheap!!  $25 for a 2
>oz. tube!

.........Dr. Atkins suggests us old broads put that cream on our faces !

>I've always had a "feeling" that I couldn't have children...and have gone at
>this pretty casually.  Hubby is actually the one who wants a baby, I just
>figure that if it happens, it happens.  If not, it's not the end of the

...........real good attitude !  correct frame of mind too.

>Mom is really disappointed that we haven't given her a grandchild
>yet (we've been married for about 7 years), especially since I'm an only
...........aww gee why do Moms DO that ?  Not everyone is meant to be a
family of 4.....there are alot of real happy families of 2.....and they 
seem to
stay happlity married for life.

>She asked me today if I would want to see a fertility doctor. she'd pay for it too ! LOL

>  I don't...I've never had that incredible, overwhelming urge to have a 
> baby as
>some women do.  I've just always been content to mother my dogs, so if I
>can't have a baby, then that's what was meant to be. long as YOU are ok with it, that's what counts.

Now........about that cream !  Make sure to check with the company about it's
use, in relation to possibly being or getting pregnant.  Just because a product
is all natural does NOT mean it is 100% safe, 100% of the time.
Be careful.


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