
Thanks all for your continued feedback!  Keep it coming; I may not respond 
directly to everybody but I very much appreciate the pushback so far.

On 15 Aug 2012, at 09:38, Benjamin Franksen wrote:
>> Mmm, sorry. I didn't do a very good job making the context behind this
>> change clear.  The issue is that as things stand we don't even know if
>> things fail. It just silently does the wrong thing
> Well, that's bad for sure, but why not try to improve that? I can't believe 
> there is no way to find out if sending an email failed.

OK, that sounds like a chance to exercise a little creative thinking.  I didn't 
see any solutions (aside from the proposed one), but maybe with a set of fresh 
eyes we might hit upon something.  Do you have any leads?

As I currently understand the situation, the 
default-configed-mailer-I-didn't-even-know-was-there *thinks* it succeeded.  So 
I suppose we need some way of gathering extrinsic evidence that the send worked 
(and this in the context of trying to send a patch, not go through some kind of 
darcs configuration process)

>> The proposed send reminds you that it didn't actually send the patch and
>> tells you how to set darcs up so that it does. The wording needs a bit of
>> work though
> Wording changes or no, I would always expect 'darcs send' to really send 
> something, or at least try. Why not make a new 'darcs create-patch-bundle' 
> command?

I have some thoughts on this, but they are rather lengthy and perhaps not very 
helpful.  Will try to work on them over time.

Eric Kow <http://erickow.com>

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