Hello DT developers.

I know there is some discussion about Windows ports of DT. And I even know there is a PR that looks promising and is adding Windows support the "proper" and user-friendly way. However, it still seems to me you're undecided if the Windows port is a wanted "feature" or not. But today I've tested a way that allows to compile DT on Windows 10 with no code modifications at all (well, with one character being edited in src/CMakeLists.txt). Which means no additional burden for the regular Linux/Mac developers. My suggestion doesn't result in an installer or binary, but just in a compilation guide, where it can be clearly written that bugreports for this DT "distribution" will be ignored. And since every user that compiles DT on Windows would have to read this guide, he should also read and remember not to post bugreports.

My approach uses the Windows Subsystem for Linux added in Win10 ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_Subsystem_for_Linux ), which is "a compatibility layer for running Linux binary executables (in ELF format) natively on Windows 10". This practically means you can run bash in your Windows console, and that bash runs in a fictional Ubuntu 14.04. But this "fictional Ubuntu" can do most of the things real Ubuntu can do, most notably installing software via apt-get and compiling using gcc. I was really impressed by the subset of things that are working seamlessly.

Together with Xming (X server port for Windows), this allows for quite easy compilation and running of Darktable on Windows.

I've recorded the needed steps in the following Gist: https://gist.github.com/peci1/222a6bdfa028aa043f9c509c78bf9bc4 . It's mostly just about adding newer versions of libraries to the fictional Trusty system, and then using the standard Ubuntu compilation guide from DT wiki. (I think it's generally also a guide on how to build DT on real Trusty system).

Recent news ( http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2016/10/windows-10-linux-subsystem-ubuntu-16-04 ) mentioned it will even be possible to get Xenial instead of Trusty on Windows. That would even mean darktable could be compiled on Windows with exactly the steps from Xenial compilation guide. However, I'm not able to test this ATM (it's not yet released to public, and I run some other software that requires Trusty).

My question/suggestion is: should I add this guide to the official DT wiki?
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