
being a Darktable user since 2010 (0.9 if I recall), a photographer for
many years and an almost engineer, I have looked for a long time to get
involved into DT development. I know 10 programming languages but I'm
still a newbie in C…

Following my last email on adaptative deconvolution, I started a Python
framework to experiment on image processing algorithms. The Github repos
is here : https://github.com/aurelienpierre/Image-Cases-Studies

I already have 3 case studies, with algorithms and before/after pictures :

  * Unsharp masking with bilateral filter in LAB space
  * Defringing with bilateral filter in LAB space
  * Focus correction/restoration with Richardson-Lucy deconvolution in
    RGB and LAB spaces.

I'm trying to keep my code as clean as possible to make it easy to
understand and possible to translate into C and (hopefully) into
Darktable modules. The framework is packaged with a Python setup file
and optimized with Cython and parallel computing.

I will continue to experiment on deconvolution but any comment, code
review, scientific article, or contribution is welcome.

Have a nice day,

*Aurélien PIERRE*
aurelienpierre.com <http://aurelienpierre.com>


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