Most noticed occurrence:

Select items to print >
double click to select current width for normal replace >
type '0' >
All selected images are now 'X' rated.

I can only change width and height valued by backspacing.


On 10/13/2017 12:29 AM, David Houlder wrote:
> On 13/10/17 08:57, Tobias Ellinghaus wrote:
>> Am Donnerstag, 12. Oktober 2017, 17:24:30 CEST schrieb Marcello Mamino:
>>> I can reproduce the bug on Debian stable, under Xfce, master branch
>>> just compiled, every setting default. The steps to follow are
>>> *exactly* these
>>> 1. Open the "export selected" tab
>>> 2. Click in the "max size" filed.
>>> 3. Slowly move the pointer *downwards*
>>> 4. As soon as the pointer reaches the "allow upscaling" label just
>>> below, the input field loses focus
>>> 5. Hover on a image, press a number, and the star rating changes
>> We are aware of this and know why it's happening. We are not sure how to
>> proceed with this though, as grabbing the focus itself is intended (so
>> you can
>> use the arrow keys to change the dropdowns and sliders), but the
>> implication
>> is unwanted. So we have to decide what eggs to break and what omelette to
>> make. Or something like that. :-)
> I'm of the opinion that the focus-follows-mouse behaviour isn't always
> helpful, and leads to errors of the type we're discussing here.
> Information display on hover is good (e.g. tooltips and the image info
> panel), but for many things that involve a state change, I think it's
> preferable to require an explicit focus shift (mouse click or tab key)
> first.
> For instance, I have accidentally changed the rating on an image in the
> darkroom view due to confusion between the current image in the
> filmstrip (the centered and highlighted thumbnail), and the focused
> thumbnail - the one that the mouse is hovering over - which can easily
> be any random image.
> Another downside of the current focus logic can be demonstrated by
> hovering over a text field without clicking (say, the "max size" field
> in the export panel) and tapping the up or down arrow key - it changes
> the setting of the last dropdown that the mouse happened to fly over on
> its way to the text field (in dt 2.2.5, Xubuntu 16.04).
> However, I can see some downsides to requiring an explicit focus shift
> in all cases.
> The main one I can think of is shifting focus to a slider without
> changing it in the process. The current behaviour allows you to hover
> over a slider and crank it up or down a little with the arrow keys or
> scroll wheel. Using  a click to focus would inadvertently alter its
> setting in many cases.
> So here's an idea: make all fields and widgets except for sliders
> require explicit focus (mouse click or tab key), on the grounds that
> sliders can be inadvertently changed by click-to-focus in a way that
> other controls cannot. In the case where a slider was not explicitly
> focused, it only has focus while the pointer is hovering over it, and
> focus returns to whatever had it before the slider when the pointer
> leaves the slider. In other words, hover on a  slider temporarily steals
> the focus.
> cheers
> David
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