Dear Johannes,

Am 15.10.18 um 10:08 schrieb johannes hanika:
this is an IIR filter (infinite impulse response, as opposed to the
straight forward FIR, finite impulse response, which would be for
instance a 5-tap b-spline filter) which approximates a gaussian. it's
especially well suited for large filter supports. why do you need to
know? for sports or you need to change / adapt it for something?
I plan to implement a guided filter ( ) as a reusable routine. This algorithm is already employed in the haze removal module but it might find applications in other image processing steps too. Currently I have a prototype for blend mask matting / feathering, which I have mentioned on this list quite some time ago.

I had a look at darktable's Gaussian filter because I thought it might be a good idea if the API of the guided filter is similar to the API of the Gaussian filter. When I realized that it does work quite differently from what I had expected I became curious.

After having a look at some papers (but lacking the time to read them carefully) I have a rough idea how it works. I found several algorithms that look similar to the one in gaussian.c but could not find a reference that which refers to the particular method of gaussian.c.


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