even more easy than that: right click and enter value manually ... :-)




Bruce Williams schrieb am 02.03.19 um 11:37:
Yeah, but the numb nuts said "darktable could only give +3 stops of exposure". Clearly, they did not know about the ability to instigate a second instead of a module.
I wouldn't lose any sleep over it.

Bruce Williams.

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: *Andreas Schneider* <a...@cryptomilk.org <mailto:a...@cryptomilk.org>>
Date: Sat., 2 Mar. 2019, 21:23
Subject: [darktable-dev] Pushing ISO (ISO invarience)
To: darktable <darktable-dev@lists.darktable.org <mailto:darktable-dev@lists.darktable.org>>


there a video where they did take and underexposed image and then pushed the
exposure 4 EVs. darktable produced a darker image than the other raw


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