Hi Philippe,

here are the results of the pending tests :

 * darkroom -> pattern for image information line :
   $(MAKER) $(MODEL)   •   $(LENS)   •   $(EXIF_EXPOSURE) s •  
   f/$(EXIF_APERTURE)   •   $(EXIF_FOCAL_LENGTH) mm   •   ISO
   $(EXIF_ISO)   •   Sterne: $(RATING_ICONS)   •   Breite/Höhe:
   $(SENSOR_WIDTH) x $(SENSOR_HEIGHT) px   •   Crop: $(CROP_WIDTH) x
   $(CROP_HEIGHT) px   •   OpenCL : $(OPENCL_ACTIVATED) gives the
   result shown in the attached screenshot.
 * ligthtable -> export to
   .../$(EXIF_YEAR)/$(ROLL_NAME)/$(SEQUENCE)-$(FILE_NAME) is working as
   expected, folder "1961" correctly created
 * checked exif information of exported jpeg : "DateTimeOriginal" is
   correct, modifications done with geotagging module correctly considered

so for me it looks like there are no more issues. I support your idea to introduce a variable $(EXIF_MSEC) for the use case of images taken in burst mode. I agree with you that considering microseconds is not necessary.

Hava a nice day


Am 13.11.21 um 12:23 schrieb Philippe Weyland:
Hi Peter,
Thanks for testing.
In the import process, exif time reading may suffer some limitation due to epoch 0 as well. Do have your source images such old datetimes ?

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