I was successful by downloading the magic-lantern src package and building it from there with the appropriate defines. Not sure if this is true, but assumed it would be camera dependent. Used make and the resultant cr2hdr works like a charm.

On 2016-11-29 23:44, johannes hanika wrote:
what's the compile error?


On Wed, Nov 30, 2016 at 7:35 PM, Matthias Bodenbinder
<matth...@bodenbinder.de> wrote:

I want to give magic-lantern a try and test the dual-iso feature. But unfortunatly I can not get cr2hdr compiled. And I dont know how to handle the dual-iso files in DT without cr2hdr.

Does somebody know of a download link for a cr2hdr binary?

Kind Regards

I am using DT 2.2.0-rc1

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