On Thu, 8 Dec 2016 00:44:48 +0100, Saint Germain wrote:
> I just bought a Samsung NX1 and would like to use Darktable to process
> the RAW (SRW).
> However I really tried but I couldn't manage to get correct colors or
> to have a good noise reduction in high iso situation (low light).
> I've tried LightRoom and RawTherapee and I managed (without knowing
> these softwares) to get quite good results in under 5-10 minutes.
> So far I think I've spent several hours with Darktable...

My experience with the Canon 7DmkII at high ISO (shooting basketball
at ISO 10000) was very similar, and I posted about this a couple of
weeks ago (I'll forward you my email under separate cover).  I was
unable to get results anywhere close to what I could easily achieve in
RawTherapee with Luminance and Luminance Detail noise reduction and
sharpening with Sharpen Only Edges (which does a good job avoiding
sharpening noise).

My comparison shots are posted at
https://rlk.smugmug.com/Photography/DarktableRawTherapee/ with the
original at

> I would really like to stay with Darktable (as I find the interface
> quite pleasant and it offers a lot of useful features) but I really
> need to have good colors and good noise reduction (at least comparable
> to LR and RT) without too much tinkering.
> From what I have heard, it seems that Darktable noise reduction is
> very powerful and actually superior to LR or RT. Basic noise reduction
> in LR or RT is very simple : 2 sliders and that's it (Luminance and
> Details). However it is quite effective, and I haven't been able to do
> better with Darktable (and it took me much more time, I even made a
> noise profile !).
> Perhaps am I doing something wrong ?
> Can someone guide me or show me how to proceed ?
> Original JPEG + RAW
> http://dl.free.fr/fBpM8C6I1
> http://dl.free.fr/jB13bvffN
> Rawtherapee (JPEG + pp3)
> http://dl.free.fr/vT4rAtm5O
> http://dl.free.fr/fJEcA3gH9
> Lightroom (JPEG)
> http://dl.free.fr/nEEcDqtq0
> Darktable Noise profile
> http://dl.free.fr/sZ8hCADDw
> Darktable (JPEG + xmp)
> http://dl.free.fr/fJQSonH7n
> http://dl.free.fr/knQbw4QMl

Robert Krawitz                                     <r...@alum.mit.edu>

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