Hi, all-

I'm pleased to report that for the most part, darktable has been quiet as a
church mouse when it comes to crashes, glitches, etc. But at the moment,
I'm experiencing an exception to that rule...

After about 3 hours of work, darktable closed unexpectedly while I was
drawing a path to define a mask. When I reopened dt, all my edits from the
session were gone... I was back to where I was before the 3 hours of work.

I know that dt saves .xmp files containing the edits, and those appear to
be intact for the files in question (confirmed by viewing a sample in a
text editor). Is there a way for me to apply all the .xmp files to their
respective photos and restore my work?

darktable 2.2.0
Mac OS Sierra

Thanks in advance for any light you can shed!


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