
I calibrated my monitor(s) some time ago and was happy with this. But recently I helped a friend of mine to calibrate - both on Linux and Windows - and got some doubts on my understanding of this.

When I set up a monitor profile and activate it in gnome color manager (> settings > color in my LinuxMint 17.3 Cinnamon desktop) I see all of my desktop "change color", including the frames of the windows etc. This led me to the assumption that color correction of the monitor works globally - application independent.

On the other hand I find settings in e. g. darktable to apply a monitor profile.
I set this to "system settings".

I checked:

~ $ darktable-cmstest
darktable-cmstest version 2.0.7
this executable was built with colord support enabled
darktable itself was built with colord support enabled

HDMI1    the X atom and colord returned the same profile
    X atom:    _ICC_PROFILE (22856 bytes)
description: HP E241i 2014-12-19 120cdm^2 D5500 2.2 M-S 3xCurve+MTX _i1 colord: "/home/username/.local/share/icc/HP E241i 2014-12-19 120cdm² D5500 2.2 M-S 3xCurve+MTX _i1.icc" description: HP E241i 2014-12-19 120cdm^2 D5500 2.2 M-S 3xCurve+MTX _i1

Your system seems to be correctly configured

so according to https://www.darktable.org/usermanual/ch03s02s10.html.php everything seems fine.
But there I can also read:

> In rare cases you may need to manually select the display profile. This is possible from the softproof and gamut check option dialogs in the darkroom view

What would happen if I select the monitor profile again in this setting: Would the monitor output be "double-corrected" with this? Why is there such a thing as a selection of a monitor profile within an application if it (at least seems to me) is corrected already globally?

I also read
but really ... do I get something wrong?




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