
Two more things you can do to verify everything is OK:
- run darktable-cmstest; if it reports "Your system seems to be
correctly configured" on the last line, you should be OK (it'll also
output the path of the profile in use, check that, too, so you don't
end up using some generic profile); if it reports "Better check your
system setup - some monitors reported different profiles You may
experience inconsistent color rendition between color managed
applications", it's time to investigate further

- you can also use the command dispwin -V path/to/your/profile.icc to
check if it's loaded; I previously had some cases where the colour
management settings did not work for some reason. If it outputs
"Verify: 'path/to/your/profile.icc' IS loaded (discrepancy 0.0%)",
everything is OK. If not, you can force loading of the profile with
dispwin -V path/to/your/profile.icc. To switch between profiled and
non-profiled mode, you can use dispwin -U (unload)


On 22 April 2017 at 16:02, Koos Pol <darkta...@pohw.nl> wrote:
> Excellent. I did install the profile via the openSUSE system setting screen.
> So that should take care of it.
> (darktable-cmstest also reports the new profile. So I think this confirms
> it).
> That leaves me with two follow up questions:
> 1. I can forget about the instructions for copying the profile to
> ~/.config/darktable/color/out ?
> 2. Is there an easy way to see the factual difference between how a photo
> looks now compared to what it was before?
> Thanks again!
> Koos
> Op 22-04-17 om 15:41 schreef Markus Jung:
> If you have installed the color profile properly*, you do not need to do
> anything more with darktable, because it will obtain and use it
> automatically.
> * there is a color management daemon running, like gcm, xiccd or
> similar, which configures the LUT of your hardware and provides the
> profile to applications like darktable, for example by setting the xatom
> variable accordingly.
> Regards,
> Markus
> Am 22.04.2017 um 15:29 schrieb Koos Pol:
> I'm a bit lost. Last week I've purchased a ColorHug2 to profile my
> laptop screen.
> I've RTFM of the ColorHug2 and now I'm in proud possession of an .icc
> profile for my latop screen.
> But I don't know what to do next. I've read the Darktable manual. But
> there just too many references to color management. Agreed, I'm a total
> novice on that topic.
> I just want my photo's to look correctly on the screen. What should I do
> next?
> FWIW, I'm on openSUSE Leap 42.2
> Many thanks,
> Koos
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