On 28/05/17 01:16, Аl Воgnеr wrote:

Thanks Romano,

I started with

Xenial is my system, so it looks good. The minor problem at the
beginning was, that copy and paste doesn't work, because of wrong - at
the website.

Yep, there is a problem with character encoding...

This is the list of commands I did:

   sudo apt-get build-dep liblensfun0

This installed for me doxygen libclang1-3.6 libllvm3.6v5 libobjc-5-dev

   sudo dpkg -r --force-all liblensfun0 liblensfun-data

download source from  from https://sourceforge.net/projects/lensfun/files/

   tar xvzf lensfun-0.3.2.tar.gz
   cd lensfun-0.3.2
   mkdir cmake_build
   cd cmake_build
   make package

: sudo lensfun-update-data did not work, but seems to me that it is not necessary now --- probably it is not installing the python libraries, do not know why, I am investigating. Then as root:

   cd /usr/lib/
   rm iblensfun.so.0
   ln -s x86_64-linux-gnu/liblensfun.so.0.3.2 liblensfun.so.0

Notice however that this is a hack. The liblensfun source 0.3.2 install itself as `liblensfun1`, although the version of the library seems to be 0; that means that the darktable PPA will complain that the liblensfun0, fro which it depends, is broken.

I am not sure on how to solve this short of compiling everything from source. I hope the author of the PPA is listening and have a bit of time to help solve correctly all this mess...


Romano Giannetti

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