On lundi 29 mai 2017 23:26:11 CEST Аl Воgnеr wrote:
> In the meantime I know, why 0.3.2 didn't work sometimes, I use
> different cameras and one was the new Pentax KP, which is not supported
> until now. When I assigned a Pentax K3 instead, it worked generally.
> Probably not a good idea. I don't understand why the camera is needed
> to correct distortion.

Correction parameters depend on the crop factor, easiest to just use the 
camera body to store that, and not expect the average user to enter the crop 
factor (most will know what body they use, but probably can't be bothered to 
figure out what a crop factor is, let alone which one applies to their camera).
Also, the camera body used could help limit the number of possible lenses: 
lens IDs are not unique between brands, Canon/Nikon/Tamron/Sigma/... can use a 
given ID value for wildly different lenses. I don't think any program uses that 
info though, and its use is complicated when adapters are used.

But, unless lensfun changed the database format, there is no reason to upgrade 
the lensfun *library* only to get access to data for a new camera/lens. As 
described by Roman, grabbing the latest database files and installing them 
under your home directory should work just fine (again, if the database format 
didn't change). And it's easy to correct if it doesn't work (contrary to a 
library upgrade, which can be a pain to undo)

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