Am Dienstag, 4. Juli 2017, 14:21:44 CEST schrieb Аl Воgnеr:
> I found
> s/ which recommends to change the value of screen_dpi_overwrite in
> ~/.config/darktable/darktablerc

Yes, that's how it should work – when your system is misconfigured and reports 
the wrong resolution in the first place, or when you have a multi monitor setup 
with differing DPI. Are you maybe using Wayland? I am not sure how well that 

> The default value is -1.0 and it was recommended to set it to 140-150.
> But this doesn't work for me. If I change to 140 I get some letters in
> yellow in the menu.

I have never heard of that. Could you share a screen shot please?

> What do you do with a 4k-display?
> Al


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