On Thu, Sep 28, 2017, at 07:05, darkta...@911networks.com wrote:
> I needed to  add some Fuji lenses. I checked: 
> https://www.mankier.com/1/lensfun-update-data
> [froggy@dodoite ~]$ sudo lensfun-update-data 
> [sudo] password for froggy: 
> Reading http://lensfun.sourceforge.net/db/versions.json …
> Reading http://wilson.bronger.org/lensfun-db/versions.json …
> Info: No newer database was found for last installed Lensfun.
> archlinux:
> [froggy@dodoite ~]$ pacman -Q lensfun
> lensfun 0.3.2-3
> Didn't work.
> I finally found:
> https://sourceforge.net/p/lensfun/code/ci/master/tree/data/db/
> downloaded the fuji to: ~/.local/share/lensfun/updates and magic
> happened!
> Is there a better way?

It looks like the new additions at github are getting pushed to the sourceforge 
master branch db periodically, which means that if a lens was added at github 
very recently, it may not appear at sourceforge yet. Aside from that, the 
sourceforge files have probably been better checked for any possible errors, 
etc, and are probably the best bet. In either case, you should probably make 
the following changes to the .xml file:

Remove the DOCTYPE declaration on the first line

 <!DOCTYPE lensdatabase SYSTEM "lensfun-database.dtd">

and change the version to "1" in the line that follows

 <lensdatabase version="2">

otherwise darktable may not like them (you'll see a warning on the console 
output). You might want to put any that you add this way into 
~/.local/share/lensfun directly, rather than the updates directory, to prevent 
it being clobbered by future runs of lensfun-update-data (although hopfully any 
future successful updates using this method would make the added file redundant 

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