On 2017-11-20 15:55, Brune Wayce wrote:
> I've done a little test:
>  - Starting darktable from terminal: no errors
>  - Adding deliberately a typo in mil-panasonic.xml and starting from
> terminal: no errors
>  - Removing a camera from mil-panasonic.xml and starting from terminal:
> the same camera is still present in the lens correction module.
> I think darktable does not look in this file to fill the camera list of
> the lens correction module...

A good place for local, user-introduced modifications would be in
~/.local/share/lensfun/. Put either entire modified mil-panasonic.xml
there, or and XML file snippet containing only your camera addition:

        <mount>Micro 4/3 System</mount>

Šarūnas Burdulis

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