On Mon, 2018-05-07 at 16:14 -0700, I. Ivanov wrote:
> Is it an European practice not to top post?
> I deal with quite a bit of email and everyone (that I have worked
> with 
> in North America) top posts when they reply to email.
> It is actually extremely rare when people reply "in line".
> So - is it indeed perceived as rude to top post or it is rather
> regional 
> preference?
> Regards,
> B

Reminds me of UN security council. One is whining, two are furious,
China's neutral, Russia's banning every US. initiative and no one wants
to make official rules :)

Top posting is not something considered rude and I'm OK with it. But if
 rules demand not top post... well I will respect them. Everybody's got
personal preferences and I find HTML formatting in email unnecessary
and unwrapped lines rude. But if they are not intentional and not
result of rules violation... well, I will just deal with it. There is
another 'but' — numerous mobile clients, they have their own formatting

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