Am Montag, 14. Mai 2018, 12:05:40 CEST schrieb Timur Irikovich Davletshin:
> On Mon, 2018-05-14 at 11:10 +0200, Tobias Ellinghaus wrote:
> > I know, I didn't get rid of those on purpose so far. If you compile
> > your own 
> > darktable you can remove the lines
> > 
> > sqlite3_exec(dt_database_get(darktable.db), "BEGIN TRANSACTION",
> > NULL, NULL, 
> > NULL);
> > g_hash_table_foreach(mask_entries, add_non_clone_mask_entries_to_db,
> > &img-
> > 
> > > id);
> > 
> > sqlite3_exec(dt_database_get(darktable.db), "COMMIT", NULL, NULL,
> > NULL);
> > 
> > from src/common/ and have it drop all unused masks when
> > loading a 
> > sidecar file.
> > Maybe it would be nice to wire "drop unused masks" into Lua, however,
> > given 
> > how quirky masks are implemented I am not sure if that is feasible.
> > 
> > :-(
> > :
> > > Symptome is
> > > the same: big sidecar file with masks in it and nothing in mask
> > > manager. Cleaning it manually via mask manager helps.
> > > 
> > > Timur.
> > 
> > Tobias
> So, I did as you suggested and it works as expected. Just for my
> understanding, what is the potential use of those hidden unused masks?
> They are not available via GUI (so I cannot employ them) nor used in
> image processing.

The ones that get removed when you comment out those lines in darktable are 
NOT hidden. They are shown in the mask manager and can be used in modules. The 
hidden masks (coming from spot removal) are always deleted now, even with the 
lines I told you about left in.

> Timur.


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