> You are talking about the final histogram & color picker only, and
> that's very different from having in synch over/under exposed, gamut
> check, final histogram & color pick, all on the same colorspace, so
> could you please clarify that?

Though my initial post was about the main histogram and global color picker, I realized it was a wider question as other modules work in RGB (channel mixer for instance).

Remco, thanks for the hint about the order of modules! So DT applies all modules that work in input (camera) RGB, then the modules that work in Lab, then the output RGB profile, then the modules that work in RGB?

The problem then becomes the fact that DT does not distinguish between display profile and output (destination) profile; actually it assumes that the display profile is the destination profile. The only use case in which this is optimal is the one that Edgardo described: using sRgb as a display profile while creating images for the Web.

In my case I want to export images in a color space that is wider than the printer profile that Turboprint is using, so that no data is lost in that conversion -- that's why I use ProPhotoRGB. But setting ProPhoto as my display profile in DT means I am editing blindly since the image then looks very different (and bad!) on my monitor. The problem is going to appear anytime someone wants to output an image using a profile different from the display profile.

So I would like DT to use, say, ProPhoto as a working profile for modules that work in RGB, or even better allow user to choose which working RGB profile to use, while keeping the display profile distinct. Then I know I am not forcing unnecessary narrowing conversions. I can then use softproofing to evaluate the effect in the destination profile (printer, sRgb, whatever). Right now, why do we even have softproofing, if the expectation is that DT will display images using the output (destination) profile?

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