As I understand it ... Kdenlive also has the same problem in that it is a video/out program rather than a slideshow/out system.


On 9/17/19 3:49 PM, Simon Wren wrote:

I haven't tried, but I would guess Kdenlive (or similar) could do it. It might be a sledgehammer to crack a nut though!

On 17 September 2019 at 21:46 David Vincent-Jones <> wrote:

dt's slideshow works well and is most useful but it does not allow for voice or music to be integrated. There are any number of slideshow-to-video programs out there with fancy transitions but they create massive mp4 files and degrade the images in the process.

Does anybody know of a simple slideshow program with a sound-over option that does not need to go through a video conversion process?


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