I have a question regarding the .SVG files used as watermarks and why they appear differently in darktable on multiple machines.  I have just acquired a personal logo that I can edit in Inkscape as needed.  Inkscape is on three machines, two of which are on Windows 10 Pro; one is on Ubuntu Linux 20.04.1.  The logo looks identical on all three machines when viewed in Inkscape, yet when it is exported into the appropriate location for user-generated watermarks in darktable on each of the three machines, the two lines of text below the script logo shift slightly in size and position when the watermark is applied to an identical test photo on each machine.  The script logo does not shift at all; it's just the three lines below the logo that shift.  Am I not holding my mouth right?  Did I forget to perform some weird incantation on the full moon?

Willy Williams


 “You don’t take a photograph.  You ask quietly and humbly to borrow it.”

 - Unknown


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