On lundi 7 février 2022 18:19:57 CET Hieke van Hoogdalem wrote:
> Hi there,
> I'm trying to apply masks. The idea is simple, but I can't get it working. I
> searched for YouTube tutorials, but they don't cover my problem.
> So here's the situation. I have this image that I had to brighten up quite a
> bit, but now a small part is overexposed. I want to use a mask to bring
> that down. But… when I draw a mask and change the exposure, it's being
> applied to the complete image. (Yes, I did create a new instance in the
> expose module before I started to create the mask.)
If you are using the scene-referred workflow, you could use the tone equaliser 
for this (or perhaps adjust filmic).

As for the mask, did you visualise it ("circle in square" icon next to "mask 
refinement) and did it show the area you wanted to mask (yellow) ?

> I found this tutorial that showed something about 'blend mode' and telling
> that 'normal' applies to the complete image. You have to chose 'mask'. But
> when I click on 'blend mode' I get a much larger list without the option
> 'mask'.
I haven't seen a "mask" option in blendmode ever (that is, the last few 
years). I found that I always have to check the date on any kind of tutorial, 
as changes are rather fast (not only for darktable) .
> What can I do to make this work?
First we have to know what went wrong...
Keep in mind that in your case, masking and reducing exposition can lead to  
strange tone transitions at the edges. That's why I suggested tone equaliser 
or filmic adjustments instead of masking.

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