Le 08/05/2022 à 23:18, Patrick Shanahan a écrit :
* Jean-Luc <jean-luc.cecc...@wanadoo.fr> [05-08-22 15:43]:
Le 08/05/2022 à 19:29, Patrick Shanahan a écrit :
* Jean-Luc <jean-luc.cecc...@wanadoo.fr> [05-08-22 13:19]:

I decided to contribute and followed the instructions so as to get the wb
presets for Nikon D4s cameras.
I first could not find the script in no place on both the computers I am
currently using, so I downloaded it directly from github.
Unfortunately, when I launch it it ends with an error message :
ligne 7:  erreur de syntaxe près du symbole inattendu « newline »
ligne 7:  `<!DOCTYPE html>`
Would I have missed something ?
you did not provide the version of dt and dt is a moving target?
Yes, indeed. Why should I have bothered with that ? I am not using dt, but a
script running on its own.
the provided script appears for me on openSUSE Tumbleweed at
Neither this one, nor the py one here.

So I (thought I) downloaded it from the master branch at github. But it
seems that what is named extract_wb_from_images.sh there is not a script but
a html page - thank-you Sarunas.

and completes w/o error

    Extracting WB presets.
    preparing tarball...
    cleaning up...
    Extracting wb presets done, post the following file to us:

and I cannot read/translate other than English.

I just copyed the message as is. Translating it into english would have had
no sense IMHO.
well, it makes absolutely no sense to me in ?French?

the correct *current* script is available here:

Sarunas pointed me to the right file which I downloaded and and ran.

Then it could generate the archive and I submitted.

Unfortunately, it seems that I replied to Sarunas instead of the list, so you did not know about this.

I am quite sure I did settings in thuderbird so as to always include the list. Must have been altered when my HD crashed last week and I struggled to retrieve data.



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