I'm on Debian 11, and it seems that there is no dt 4.4.2 package on OBS.
Same for Debian 12, so an upgrade will not help.

So I thought I'd give the flatpak version a try. Installs nicely, and
after copying from ~/.config/darktable to
~/.var/app/org.darktable.Darktable/config/darktable, 4.4.2 starts and
all looks good.

Except: There is no openCL support. Which is bad, the only reason I have
a GTX 1660 is darktable...

I also installed org.freedesktop.Platform.ClInfo (as flatpak), but this
did not change anything.

Any chance to get openCL running with the flatpak version?

Thanks in advance,

Michael Staats
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