On Sun, 12 Jan 2003, Nick Tonkin wrote:

> Reality is that while a good interface will go a long way towards that
> goal, there will be a lot of users of the objects that will expect
> zero-indexed values for a lot of fields for a variety of reasons. And if
> you want the module to be really useful you need it to be plug and
> play. That's why I've argued for the 1-indexed data to _not_ be the
> default; the only users of that are going to actual humans and UIs and
> they are thus well able to turn a switch on. Machines are more dense and
> will expect what they've always been fed. I just think it's naive to
> believe that "there will be very little need for array indexes" in the
> real world.

And that's why we have a whole set of foo_0 methods.

> Let the record show that not everyone is :)

Duly noted.

Let's leave this particular debate now.  There's lots more to be done.


House Absolute Consulting

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