On Thu, 3 Apr 2003, Abigail wrote:

> The latter, IMO, doesn't make any sense. "our" time certainly wasn't
> used by the Mayans. Furthermore, in the Maya era, "we" didn't even use
> "our" time. We were using some form of solar time, and that could be
> quite off from the time that was used 30 km further.

I agree.

> I haven't had an interest in porting my Date::Maya module to DateTime
> because mixing in some non-Mayan time concept (as opposed to dates) is,
> IMO, just plain wrong.


I'm not sure exactly where you came up with the idea that this is being
encouraged.  Your own module converts from Mayan calendar to Julian days.
Julian days can be easily converted to Gregorian dates.  So how is this
different from what the DateTime::Calendar modules allow?  It's not.


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