On Thu, 12 Jun 2003, Rick Measham wrote:

> I can understand why we look like we need all this stuff for milli-,
> micro- and nano-seconds, but it is exactly what I was scared of when
> we were talking about sub-second support. Nano-, Milli- and Micro-
> seconds are not different things like hours an minutes are, they're
> just fractional seconds. We really should have just left it as
> floating seconds, or as fractional seconds rather than settling on
> some arbitrary precision like nanoseconds.

Floating point as a default is bad, since it's imprecise.  Nuff said on

> You can represent time with accessors like: ->hour:->minute:->second,
> but accessors like micro- and milli-  are ambiguous. They look like
> the other accessors so can you just 'whack them on'?
> $dt->hour . ':' . $ct->minute . ':' . $st->second . '.' .
> $dt->millisecond . $dt->microsecond . $dt->nanosecond

People who need sub-second precision _will_ understand the difference, or
else they are not qualified to be doing whatever job/project they're doing
that requires sub-second precision!

> We really should have just left it as ->second and
> ->fractional_second and probably ->floating_second($precision)
> (returning floating, not fractional seconds). We especially don't
> need them in the constructor. It's confusing now:

See above.

> $dt = DateTime->new(%date, second=>12, nanosecond=>345)
> Is that 12.345 seconds? Nup. It's 12.000000345 (I think).
> $dt = DateTime->new(%date, second=>12, fractional_second=>345)
> Is that 12.345 seconds? Nup. It's 357 seconds!

But this I agree with.  I was pretty skeptical of the "fractional_second"
constructor parameter, and I've been thinking of removing it for a while.
I don't want to make things harder than they need to be, but this
parameter is confusing.

> Imagine extra constructors, it feels good at first:
> $dt = DateTime->new(
>       year=>2003,
>       month=>6,
>       day=>12,
>       hour=>7,
>       minute=>22,
>       second=>12,
>       millisecond=>345,
>       microsecond=>678,
>       nanosecond=>901
> );

Doesn't feel good to me, that's why I vetoed it ;)

> Of course you could have extra accessors for ->just_nanoseconods
> (returns 901), ->just_microseconds and ->just_milliseconds, but it's
> all a little silly. Can't we can the nanosecond and just talk about
> seconds (and fractional seconds)?

No, if anything, we'll can the fractional_second constructor parameter.
Nanoseconds are here to stay, because I don't want to add "bigfloat" to
the mix, and I want us to be accurate.


House Absolute Consulting

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