At 9:42 AM +1000 1/8/03, Iain Truskett wrote:
Does anyone know of a machine-readable "map" that can convert lat/lon
to timezone?

Mac uses a map, you click on the map and it tells you the time at that place in the world. Of course it's closed source so we can't get a copy of it :(

I remember that this was asked somewhere else .. here or someplace else. There's an online map at but it's not 'clickable' to select a timezone.

While converting a lat/lon to a timezone would be close to impossible, I'm willing to work on a clickable HTML or Flash map.

The problem with converting lat/lon is that countries are not geometric shapes where it would be easy to determine if a particular lat/lon is within that country.


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  those that understand binary, and those that don't.
  The day Microsoft makes something that doesn't suck
    is the day they start selling vacuum cleaners
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