On Sat, May 05, 2007 at 08:57:16PM -0700, Jonathan Leffler wrote:
> I can't answer for the developers of DateTime::Format::ISO8601, but it is 
> not clear that they are required to support the notation, though I suspect 
> it would not be hard to do so, possibly by some specialized sub-class 
> (Date::Format::LDAP?) that exploits the majority of the ISO8601 code but 
> permits the LDAP Generalized Time notation.

I can answer for the developer(s) of DateTime::Format::ISO8601.  Thus
far this module has only accepted a pretty strict interpretation of the
standard.  There have been a few requests to loosen to this up on the
basis of "least surprise" as some people have expected it to parse
things that "look" ISO8601 like.  However, there are already a large
number of swiss-army parsers that will handle ISO8601 "like" formats so
it was decided that DateTime::Format::ISO8601 should only accept formats
that are clearly allowed under the standard.  This allows the module to
be used as a validating parser.

I've looked at RFC 4517 and in section 3.3.13 it states that it does not
use a ISO8601 compliant format, "The LDAP-specific encoding of a value
of this syntax is a restriction of the format defined in [ISO8601], and
is described by the following ABNF: ...".  The format that is defined
looks fairly trivial to parse and I concur that it would be reasonable
to create a Date::Format::LDAP module.  Has anyone done this work



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