(Second try. I sent this message last friday, it did not
reach the Datetime mailing list).

Last thursday, I have published to CPAN6 version 0.0.2
of Raku module Date::Calendar::MayaAztec.

The basic difference is that I have added a "semi-hidden"
attribute "daycount" to Aztec dates to store the Modified
Julian Day number. As a consequence:

Now you can convert *from* the Aztec calendar, in addition
of converting *to* the Aztec calendar.

When building an Aztec date, you should give a reference
date, to generate, for example, the Aztec date "on or after
Gregorian date 2020-01-01". This additional build parameter
is optional and defaults to "nearest to today's date".

Thanks to code sharing, now you can also build a Maya date
like you build an Aztec date, that is, by giving the
calendar round values (Haab and Tzolkin), plus a reference
date. This is in addition to building a
Maya date by giving the long count value.


Thank you for your interest in Raku and in foreign calendars.

Jean Forget
JFORGET at cpan dot org

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