On Tue, 2 Jul 2013 09:44:06 +0200, Jens Rehsack <rehs...@gmail.com>

> For the moment, I wouldn't spend to much brain on those cases,
> as they do not affect any existing and targeted driver.
> Primary goal for the first shot are:
> * DBI (and bundled drivers)
> * SQL::Statement (with DBI::Mock extension)
> * DBD::CSV
  * DBD::Pg

PostgreSQL is now my primary target when I develop or test database
related modules or scripts. It is a nice opponent to DBD::CSV. Pg is
fast, complete and actively maintained, written from the database
point-of-view using DBI. DBD::CSV is slow, incomplete (due to
underlying restrictions) and written from the DBI point of view. The
two have completely different routes from database to user, which is
why these should make a neat couple. DBD::Pg *only* needs DBI, whereas
DBD::CSV requires DBI, Text::CSV_XS, SQL::Statement, and DBD::File (in
DBI) which implies more possible points of failure.

> * DBD::SQLite
> * DBD::Oracle
> * DBD::DB2
> * DBD::Unify

I have no plans to do serious work on that driver. We are moving away
from that database which means that tuits will be hard to find to
improved that one.

DBD::Unify however took a basic approach in its initial test suite to
just take the DBI docs and implement sequentially all the methods
described by the time of writing, so the test suite was based on what
DBI provides, not on what Unify offers. When tests failed, I wrote the
corresponding DBD::Unify part or documented that that functionality
would not work in Unify. So I have no objection if parts of those tests
are copied or stolen from to complete the DBI::Test suite

> * DBIx::Class # ribasushi has some dirty ideas … ask him ^^
> o DBD::Sys
> o DBD::AnyData (if any volunteer takes on it or I find a tuit)

H.Merijn Brand  http://tux.nl   Perl Monger  http://amsterdam.pm.org/
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