On 9 November 2017 at 15:45,  <p...@cpan.org> wrote:
> On Thursday 09 November 2017 14:26:01 Peter Rabbitson wrote:
>> On 11/09/2017 01:46 PM, Noel Butler wrote:
>> >On 09/11/2017 21:32, p...@cpan.org wrote:
>> >
>> >>
>> >>>What the complaints in this thread are focused on is what the *users*
>> >>>want.
>> >and the users want now, or will need in the near future, to build with
>> >latest, stable and recommended versions of MariaDB and MySQL.
>> Which is a great thing to want. I want this too. This is not what the thread
>> is about.
>> The problem stems from Pali mashing together 3(!)* independent concerns, and
>> presenting them as an "all or nothing" proposition:
>>  1. Inability to build against latest libmysql libs
>>  2. Several security fixes
>>  3. Entirely redefining how unicode is handled throughout the stack
> As I already wrote, doing active development on code of DBD::mysql is
> hard or probably impossible if you want to have that old behavior.
> So fixing more parts of code or adding new features would lead to
> breaking that behavior or would be PITA for anybody who would need to
> guarantee that it would not be broken again in future.
> Moreover DBD::mysql itself (C part of code) misuse libmysql resp.
> libmariadb API which leads to segfaults (or silent memory corruption)
> when new mariadb is used. And this would be needed properly fixed if you
> want to support mariadb.
> So I guess it is better that compilation is failing. Users would not be
> surprised that driver really damaged data. And not just double encoded
> something to UTF-8 (due to misusing API) which has always 1:1 inverse
> operation and can be fixed.
> This part would not be simple to fix, there would be needed to of
> changes in whole driver, find all places where driver touch mariadb C
> structures... This is very good candidate which can break that old
> DBD::mysql behavior of handling blobs.

Pali is there a concise summary of what we are arguing about here?


perl -Mre=debug -e "/just|another|perl|hacker/"

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