This kind of stuff is trivial in Perl.  You've chosen a good language.

my $url =~ s|/bar$||;

...Which means: "Find any occurence of "/bar" at the very end of the URL and replace it with a nothing. This is called a "regex" ( short for "regular expression" ). We usually do regexes with forward slashes, but you can use other characters ( like "|" when the target string contains forward slashes.

  Do a web search for "Perl regex".

                - Jerry Kaidor

On 11/10/2017 06:00, Martin Kaspar wrote:
hello dear perl-experts,

I'm pretty new to Programming and OO programming especially.
Nonetheless, I'm trying to get done a very simple Spider for web

the script below - is what i got to work

it runs nicely : now i want to modify the script a bit - tailoring and
tinkering is the way to learn. I want to fetch urls with a certain
content in the URL-string


in other words: what is aimed, i need to fetch all the urls that
contains the term " /bar"
- then i want to extract the "bar" so that it remains the url:

is this doable?

love to hear from you


use strict; # You always want to include both strict and warnings
use warnings;

use LWP::Simple;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Request;
use HTTP::Response;
use HTML::LinkExtor;

# There was no reason for this to be in a BEGIN block (and there
# are a few good reasons for it not to be)
open my $file1,"+>>", ("links.txt");

#The Url I want it to start at;
# Note that I've made this an array, @urls, rather than a scalar, $URL

my @urls = ('https://the url goes in here');
my %visited;  # The % sigil indicates it's a hash
my $browser = LWP::UserAgent->new();

while (@urls) {
  my $url = shift @urls;

  # Skip this URL and go on to the next one if we've
  # seen it before
  next if $visited{$url};

  my $request = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $url);
  my $response = $browser->request($request);

  # No real need to invoke printf if we're not doing
  # any formatting
  if ($response->is_error()) {print $response->status_line, "\n";}
  my $contents = $response->content();

  # Now that we've got the url's content, mark it as
  # visited
  $visited{$url} = 1;

  my ($page_parser) = HTML::LinkExtor->new(undef, $url);
  my @links = $page_parser->links;

  foreach my $link (@links) {
    print "$$link[2]\n";
    push @urls, $$link[2];
  sleep 60;

On Wed, Oct 4, 2017 at 10:49 PM, Dan Book <> wrote:

How can we proceed from here?

On Mon, Sep 18, 2017 at 1:17 PM, Patrick M. Galbraith
<> wrote:


Great! Now we can start moving forward.

Sorry if my responses have been intermittent - first week at new



On 9/16/17 4:35 AM, wrote:

I prepared branch master-new, which is based on current DBD-mysql
branch and revert state to pre-4.043 version, including all changes
after 4.043 release to master branch. I have this master-new branch
my fork. If you want you can use it... [1]


  [2]  [3]


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