This may be more of a general Perl question than a DBI one, but since DBI
is involved, I thought I'd ask anyway.

I create a database handle called $dbh_sale.  I want to ensure that this
handle is destroyed at the end of the program... so, I wrote up this chunk
of code

     $dbh_sale->disconnect();   ###this is line 155

When doing a perl -c using Perl 5.00404, I get: syntax OK
Can't call method "disconnect" without a package or object reference at line 155.
END failed--cleanup aborted.

However, I get no such error/warning when running under Perl 5.6.0.  Since
I am forced to use Perl 5.00404, I am concerned that this error could
cause a problem down the line.  Does anyone know why Perl 5.00404 is
reporting this?  Since I've only used Perl 5.00503 and Perl 5.6.0, I've
never run into this problem before and I have no idea if this a really a
bug or if it's just sloppy error reporting by the old interpreter.

Curt Crandall

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