Well spotted (that one particular test simply calls die() if it fails).
Fixed in the next release. Meanwhile: don't do that :)



On Tue, Apr 10, 2001 at 03:44:02PM -0400, Belinda M. Giardine wrote:
> DBI 1.14
> DBD::Oracle ?
> Oracle 8.0.5
> Setting RaiseError to 0 doesn't seem to work in some cases. If the wrong number 
> of bind parameters are used the error is not caught by the if statement in the 
> code below.  If no bind parameters are used then the error is caught as 
> expected.  It doesn't seem to make any difference whether RaiseError is set to 0 
> with the sth or at connection.
> I was trying to do $sth->{RaiseError} = 0 before one section to display more 
> information on the error but it doesn't seem to work.  The following simplified 
> code demonstrates the problem.
> Code:
> use DBI;
> my($dbh) = DBI->connect("dbi:Oracle:bio0_ipc", "XXXX", "XXXX",
>            {RaiseError=>0, PrintError=>0, AutoCommit=>0});
> my($sth) = $dbh->prepare(qq{SELECT * FROM DNA_transfer_experiment WHERE id = ? 
> or id = ?});
> #$sth->{RaiseError} = 0;
> # the following if works as expected
> if (! $sth->execute() ) {
>    print "Found error\n";
> }
> # the following if produces the error 
> # execute called with 3 bind variables when 2 are needed at ./tmp line 15.
> # instead of printing my line
> if (! $sth->execute("1", "2", "3") ) {
>    print "Found error with bind variables\n";
> }
> $sth->{RaiseError} = 1;
> $dbh->disconnect;
> exit;
> Thanks in advance,
> Belinda

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