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Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 09:47:31 -0000
Subject: Installation Issues - DBI in Win 95
User-Agent: eGroups-EW/0.82

Dear Tim Bunce,

I have come across your wonderfull presentation on Advanced DBI at 
Perl Conference in 1999. Going through this presentation I must say, 
it made my job easier in exploring Perl to a greater depth.

I wanted to install DBI to my system having Win95 OS. I have 
installed ActivePerl 5.6 and Apache Web server 1.3.12. Succesfully 
tried running some of the perl and cgi script without database 

While installing DBI.ppd it always aborted giving error saying "could 
not locate a ppm binary of this platform". I downloaded DBI.ppd and 
ODBC.ppd files from www.symbolstone.org. 

My objective is to use MS ACCESS database in Win95 using Perl/CGI 
script through Apache web server.

I sincerely hope, with your busy schedule, you will help me in 
getting solution to the above.

With best regards.


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