Try this, guess I've searched before, guess it was here:

I was thinking about doing something similar just the other day,
but hadn't thought about the objects.
Looks like a very interesting project.

  ]-----Original Message-----
  ]From: David H. Silber [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  ]Sent: Friday, April 27, 2001 12:50 PM
  ]To: DBD Users Mailing List
  ]Subject: Just joined the list
  ]Hi folks,
  ]Is there an archive for this list?
  ]I've just joined the list.  Before I bother people with my 
  ]redundant) questions, I would like to find out what has already been
  ]said here.
  ]  David H. Silber                                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  ]  See for the database driven code generator.

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