Just thought I would send a bug fix on a very nice piece of code
sent by Doug Wilson - Doug's generic subroutine "insert_hash":

sub insert_hash {
  my $table = shift;
  my $ref = shift;

  #Sort fields so we can effectively cache the statement
  my @fields = sort keys %$ref;
  my @values = @{$ref}{@fields};
  my $sql = "insert into $table (", join(",", @fields).
   ") values (". join(",", ("?") x @fields).")";
  my $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached($sql);

The line that contains the "insert into $table" contains one
small but significant bug - you need to change the 1st comma
to a period(for concatenation):

my $sql = "insert into $table (", join(",", @fields).

my $sql = "insert into $table (". join(",", @fields).

Doug, do you have a similar "update_hash" subroutine?


Hardy Merrill
Mission Critical Linux, Inc.

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