the list mysteriously and completely disappeared for roughly 10 minutes, 
and I wasn't sure if my post was received or not. *head-scratching*

unable to set ;csv_eol=\015, but saving the file via bbedit to DOS 
instead of Macintosh, the code works?!? what the hell?

setting csv_eol=\015 when file format is saved as Macintosh results in 
this error, searching for "test":

DBD::CSV::st execute failed: Missing first row at Primus 
8.5GB:Applications:MacPerl 5.6.1a4 ü line 157, 
<GEN0> line 1.

    o if fileformat is DOS and csv_eol=\015, it searches the file but 
finds 0 results
    o if fileformat is DOS and I SET csv_eol=\015\012 it FINDS THE 7 

i.e. it's only confused SOMEtimes. Somewhere, it's assuming the file is 
a DOS file, even though I'm setting csv_eol properly, the question is 

    my $dbh = 
15\012", '', '', { RaiseError => 2 })
            or die "Can't connect to database: $DBI::errstr";

All well and good, except that the file is generated by a whole suite of 
perl scripts running under MacPerl 5.6.1a*, (a mysql table output by SQL 
embedded in an .asp page, formatted to an html table, parsed by 
HTML::Parser, and tested for integrity by script # 3) and is read for 
report-generation by something like 10 other scripts. 

I don't want to go back through all the scripts and change the input and 
output record separators unless I absolutely have to, considering one 
single csv_eol=\015 is supposed to solve the problem :) 

DBI 1.20
DBD::CSV 0.1027
SQL::Statement 0.1020
Text::CSV_XS 0.22

MacPerl 5.6.1a4

I can post the complete script and a smidge of sample data if you wish

Scott R. Godin            | e-mail : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Laughing Dragon Services  |    web :

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