Hello to all!
This is my first time posting to this group!  But I'm in desperate need of
any help!  
(BTW, thanks for all the emails from contributors to this list..I learn a
lot from you guys every day!)

I have two tables in a mySQL db, named users_old and users_new, both with
UserId and Email columns, no primary keys and no auto-increment columns.
The users_old table has numeric values for the UserId while the users_new
have NULL values.
The users_old table has 120,000 rows and the users_new has 910,000 rows.
I'm trying to find a simple, painless way of querying these two tables so I
can store the UserId and Email from the users_old table if the Email exists
in both tables.

Everything I try just continues to run without ever producing any results -
it just hangs at the command line when running the standalone query.
Perhaps there are just too many rows to compare.
I tried writing a simple script using the Perl DBI to just log the results
of this massive query in a simple tab delimited flat file so I can load the
data into the live database after it finishes....but no luck.

Anybody have any suggestions on a better approach?
My simple code looks like this:


use DBI;
use strict;


eval { $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:dbname;host=localhost", "dbuser",
"dbpassword", {'RaiseError' => 1}); };
if($@) { 
        my($error) = "Error opening Database: $@\n"; 
        print "$error\n";

my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT users_old.UserId, users_old.Email FROM
users_new, users_old WHERE users_old.Email = users_new.Email"); 
$sth->execute or die "Unable to execute query: $dbh->errstr\n"; 
my ($row);

while($row = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref) {
        my($data_log) = "/home/chastie/sony_showbiz.txt";
        open (DATATEMP, ">>$data_log");
        flock (DATATEMP, $exclusive_lock);
        print LOG "$row->[0]\t$row->[1]\n";
        close (LOG);


       (o o)
christa hastie

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