
Thanks...I will give it a try...One more question though.

 From what I am reading, will have to configure odbc.ini for each 
datasource I want to connect to?  Can a DSNless connection be created 
with this setup?

Thanks again...

Jeff Urlwin wrote:

> Bill,
> Yes, I've successfully built FreeTDS with DBD::ODBC, using unixODBC as the
> driver manager.  Here's the general steps:
>       download and build unixODBC (
>               default is to install into /usr/local
>               odbc.ini is in /usr/local/etc with this install
>       download and build freeTDS.  I used the following options for configure
>       --with-unixodbc=/usr/local
>       --with-tdsver=7.0
>       edit PWD file and test tds with make check
>       Note, only 3 of 6 tests passed, but the connect and login passed
> (important!)
>       used ODBCConfig to configure driver (couldn't configure DSN this way,
> though)]
>       manually configured DSN with the following entries:
> Description = Perl DBD::ODBC testing with FreeTDS
> Driver = FreeTDS
> Servername = your_server
> comments about above: Driver should be what was setup in odbcinst.ini
> (probably case sensitive).  Servername is your server name.  Looks like the
> word Servername is case sensitive.  PERL_TEST_FREETDS is the DSN.
>       set environment:
>               DBI_DSN=dbi:ODBC:PERL_TEST_FREETDS
>               DBI_USER = your_user_name
>               DBI_PASS = your_password
>               ODBCHOME=/usr/local/etc/odbc.ini
> make test.  Passed all but the multiple-statement tests.  It looks like it
> doesn't support SQLFreeStmt(SQL_UNBIND) and it doesn't detect the change in
> the number of columns in the multiple statements.  Hmm...I just ran it again
> and the "advanced" binding stuff failed.  I'm re-checking, but  that
> shouldn't prevent most use.  There's something strange there and I can't
> seem to reproduce it.  I'll keep trying, but you should be able to make
> progress.  If you come up with errors, try to find a small sample that
> reproduces it.
> Also, Please use DBD::ODBC 0.38!
> Regards,
> Jeff
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Bill McClintock [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>>Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2002 3:17 PM
>>Subject: DBD::ODBC w/ FreeTDS
>>Has anyone had any luck getting DBD::ODBC to build with FreeTDS?
>>I was able to get DBD::Sybase to build so atleast I can get to MSSQL
>>form linux but I would like to get DBD::ODBC built as well.  It will
>>reduce the porting, even if only to a small degree.
>>o) Build process from
>>o)   Errors when building...
>># -- Assume DBI-1.21 installed and FreeTDS installed correctly -- #
>>[root@BM0054 DBD-ODBC-0.37]# tar -xvzf DBD-ODBC-0.37.tar.gz
>>[root@BM0054 DBD-ODBC-0.37]# cd DBD-ODBC-0.37
>>[root@BM0054 DBD-ODBC-0.37]# export SYBASE=/usr/local/freetds
>>[root@BM0054 DBD-ODBC-0.37]# export ODBCHOME=/usr/local
>>[root@BM0054 DBD-ODBC-0.37]# perl Makefile.PL
>>Configuring DBD::ODBC ...
>> >>>  Remember to actually *READ* the README file!
>>      And re-read it if you have any problems.
>>Using DBI 1.21 installed in
>>Using ODBC in /usr/local
>>Umm, this looks like a udbc type of driver manager.
>>Checking if your kit is complete...
>>Looks good
>>Note (probably harmless): No library found for -ludbc
>>Using DBI 1.21 installed in
>>Writing Makefile for DBD::ODBC
>>The DBD::ODBC tests will use these values for the database connection:
>>     DBI_DSN=         e.g. dbi:ODBC:demo
>>     DBI_USER=
>>     DBI_PASS=
>>Warning: not all required environment variables are set.
>>[root@BM0054 DBD-ODBC-0.37]# make
>>mkdir blib
>>mkdir blib/lib
>>mkdir blib/lib/DBD
>>mkdir blib/arch
>>mkdir blib/arch/auto
>>mkdir blib/arch/auto/DBD
>>mkdir blib/arch/auto/DBD/ODBC
>>mkdir blib/lib/auto
>>mkdir blib/lib/auto/DBD
>>mkdir blib/lib/auto/DBD/ODBC
>>mkdir blib/man3
>>cp blib/lib/DBD/
>>/usr/bin/perl -p -e "s/~DRIVER~/ODBC/g" <
>>/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0/i386-linux/auto/DBI/Driver.xst > ODBC.xsi
>>/usr/bin/perl -I/usr/lib/perl5/5.6.0/i386-linux -I/usr/lib/perl5/5.6.0
>>/usr/lib/perl5/5.6.0/ExtUtils/xsubpp  -typemap
>>/usr/lib/perl5/5.6.0/ExtUtils/typemap ODBC.xs > ODBC.xsc && mv ODBC.xsc
>>gcc -c -I. -I/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0/i386-linux/auto/DBI
>>-I/usr/local/include -fno-strict-aliasing -I/usr/local/include -O2
>>-march=i386 -mcpu=i686     -DVERSION=\"0.37\" -DXS_VERSION=\"0.37\"
>>-fPIC -I/usr/lib/perl5/5.6.0/i386-linux/CORE  ODBC.c
>>In file included from ODBC.h:9,
>>                  from ODBC.xs:1:
>>dbdodbc.h:6:21: libudbc.h: No such file or directory
>>make: *** [ODBC.o] Error 1
>>Bill McClintock - EDMS App/Web Development
>>    MCIWorldcom - Colorado Springs (GOG)
>>    VNet:622-0054   Local:(719)265-0054
>>      Pager:1-800-PAGEMCI PIN#1686599
>>               AOLIM:bm0054

Bill McClintock - EDMS App/Web Development
    MCIWorldcom - Colorado Springs (GOG)
    VNet:622-0054   Local:(719)265-0054
      Pager:1-800-PAGEMCI PIN#1686599

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